Ssangyong Automatic Cars

Find the price list of Ssangyong Automatic Cars in the Saudi Arabia. There are a total of 6 Ssangyong Automatic car models available for sale. Ssangyong XLV, Ssangyong Torres, Ssangyong Tivoli, Ssangyong Rexton and Ssangyong Rexton W are the most popular Ssangyong Automatic car models among Saudi Arabia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Ssangyong Tivoli 2025 priced at SAR 88,058 and the most expensive one is Ssangyong Rexton 2025, which retails at SAR 181,585. Please select your desired Ssangyong Automatic car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.

Ssangyong Automatic Cars Price in Saudi Arabia

Ssangyong Models Price List
Ssangyong Korando SAR 97,865 - 107,065
Ssangyong XLV SAR 95,509
Ssangyong Torres SAR 118,335 - 152,835
Ssangyong Tivoli SAR 88,058 - 116,164
Ssangyong Rexton SAR 132,704 - 181,585
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6 Ssangyong Automatic Cars