3 Seater Pickup Cars in Saudi Arabia
Find the price list of 3 Seater Pickup Cars in the Saudi Arabia. There are a total of 3 3 Seater Pickup car models available for sale. Chevrolet Silverado HD, Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Pickup and Toyota Hilux Single Cab are the most popular 3 Seater Pickup car models among Saudi Arabia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Toyota Hilux Single Cab 2025 priced at SAR 88,090 and the most expensive one is Chevrolet Silverado HD 2025, which retails at SAR 269,300. Please select your desired 3 Seater Pickup car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
3 Seater Pickup Cars Price in Saudi Arabia
Model | Price List |
Chevrolet Silverado HD | SAR 213,600 - 269,300 |
Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Pickup | SAR 153,295 - 189,060 |
Toyota Hilux Single Cab | SAR 88,090 - 115,460 |
3 3 Seater Pickup Cars in Saudi Arabia
Toyota Land Cruiser 70 PickupSAR 153,295 - 189,060 Price RiyadhLand Cruiser 70 Pickup Price
Key Highlights of 3 Seater Pickup Cars
Popular Models Chevrolet Silverado HD, Toyota Land Cruiser 70 Pickup, Toyota Hilux Single Cab Affordable Model Toyota Hilux Single Cab Expensive Model Chevrolet Silverado HD