7 Seater Petrol Cars in Saudi Arabia
Find the price list of 7 Seater Petrol Cars in the Saudi Arabia. There are a total of 48 7 Seater Petrol car models available for sale. MG RX9, Toyota Fortuner, Nissan X-Trail, Toyota Veloz and Ford Explorer are the most popular 7 Seater Petrol car models among Saudi Arabia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Jetour X70 2025 priced at SAR 70,688 and the most expensive one is Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class 2025, which retails at SAR 889,900. Please select your desired 7 Seater Petrol car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
7 Seater Petrol Cars Price in Saudi Arabia
Model | Price List |
MG RX9 | SAR 110,400 - 137,425 |
Toyota Fortuner | SAR 123,855 - 182,160 |
Nissan X-Trail | SAR 104,500 - 156,300 |
Toyota Veloz | SAR 81,995 |
Ford Explorer | SAR 186,400 - 220,700 |
Chevrolet Captiva | SAR 76,300 - 88,200 |
Toyota Land Cruiser | SAR 256,220 - 416,760 |
Cadillac XT6 | SAR 247,500 - 289,000 |
Cadillac Escalade V | SAR 678,000 |
Chevrolet Traverse | SAR 174,600 - 186,700 |
GMC Acadia | SAR 186,000 - 260,000 |
47 7 Seater Petrol Cars in Saudi Arabia
Key Highlights of 7 Seater Petrol Cars
Popular Models MG RX9, Toyota Fortuner, Nissan X-Trail, Toyota Veloz, Ford Explorer Affordable Model Jetour X70 Expensive Model Mercedes-Benz GLS-Class