5 Seater Hybrid Cars in Saudi Arabia
Find the price list of 5 Seater Hybrid Cars in the Saudi Arabia. There are a total of 13 5 Seater Hybrid car models available for sale. Ford Taurus , Suzuki Fronx, Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla and KIA K5 are the most popular 5 Seater Hybrid car models among Saudi Arabia car buyers. The lowest-priced model is Suzuki Fronx 2025 priced at SAR 69,000 and the most expensive one is Lincoln Nautilus 2025, which retails at SAR 322,080. Please select your desired 5 Seater Hybrid car models from the list below to know the complete price list in your city, promos, variants, specs, photos, fuel consumption, and review.
5 Seater Hybrid Cars Price in Saudi Arabia
Model | Price List |
Ford Taurus | SAR 127,478 - 146,913 |
Suzuki Fronx | SAR 69,000 - 74,750 |
Toyota Camry | SAR 105,340 - 149,500 |
Toyota Corolla | SAR 79,350 - 99,015 |
Audi A5 Sedan | SAR 255,198 - 280,757 |
Jaguar E-Pace | SAR 215,050 - 281,950 |
KIA K5 | SAR 106,335 - 155,135 |
KIA K8 | SAR 133,688 - 181,708 |
Lincoln Nautilus | SAR 271,285 - 322,080 |
Skoda Kushaq | SAR 75,000 - 86,500 |
Toyota Corolla Cross | SAR 103,845 - 129,260 |
MG HS PHEV | SAR 130,525 - 139,840 |
13 5 Seater Hybrid Cars in Saudi Arabia
Key Highlights of 5 Seater Hybrid Cars
Popular Models Ford Taurus , Suzuki Fronx, Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla, KIA K5 Affordable Model Suzuki Fronx Expensive Model Lincoln Nautilus Upcoming Models Lexus ES 2026